GAPS Vision is that students will succeed in a rapidly changing world by discovering and pursuing their educational and career aspirations.
The mission of GAPS is to connect alumni, businesses, and community stakeholders with students
to promote successful academic, career, and life outcomes.
Develop programming and promote programs that deliver multiple structured pathways to success for students. Our programs connect alumni and other community resources with students and school administrators, and prepare the students for academic, career and personal success
Create effective and enduring partnerships / relationships with students, teachers, school administrators, alumni, volunteer, businesses, and community stakeholders based on our agreed upon common goal – Student Success!
Institutionalize GAPS by creating and developing an organizational structure that promotes programming and partnerships to help students succeed; integrate GAPS into the Gary Community School Corporation (GCSC); develop sustainable funding mechanisms
Get Involved
GAPS needs volunteers who have knowledge, skills, and interests that will help students learn about career possibilities and what it takes to be successful. There are a variety of ways to engage—mentoring, leading or assisting with a Pathway Club, being a speaker, sponsoring an enrichment activity, and more. We want to match your interests with the needs of students and teachers. Please take a few minutes to complete the Workshop Facilitator Form. A GAPS team member will contact you promptly to discuss next steps.

GAPS is a not for profit organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of Indiana. GAPS works closely with Gary Community School Corporation administration and faculty to ensure harmony with their goals and curricula. Pathway Clubs, Girls Ignited, and other GAPS-supported programs are awarded funds through a process that assures compatibility with GAPS guidelines, goals, and mission. Thank you in advance for your generous investment in our youth.
If you prefer to donate by mail, please follow these steps:
Write a check payable to “Gary Alumni Pathway to Students.”
Address the envelope to:
West Side Leadership Academy
900 Gerry St.
Gary, IN 46406
Thank you for your support!